Friday, April 12, 2013

Rains and Automobiles

Yesterday after posting in self pity I decided to cowboy up and face the wet and the mud. First, I went down to the garden and dug in my "radish" sprouts. Judging on how crazy they went last year I am gonna have a ton of them in just a few short weeks. I also planted the carrot top and oniony thing I found in the compost. The wild flowers I put in the corner still haven't come up through. I forgot to look for the sunflowers. I am not to hopeful about the sunflowers cause I found out after planting them that its too early for them anyway. I will have to get more sunflower seeds in a few weeks when it is time. As soon as I was done with those tasks the rain started picking up again and I booked it.
Back home I set up the rain barrels, sort of. I saw holes in both the trash cans that we use, I dough they will work at all. I also need to talk to my father about the equipment he uses for the job cause I couldn't find the right stuff.
My other beds at home are looking good. The compost I used in my cold frame is laced with alfalfa seeds and they have started to sprout. I will have to weed it soon. On the bright side alfalfa is edible so maybe I can make a salad. 
In other news, I am still unemployed so I am still operating on a very extreme budget. I am looking into taking some odd jobs from people in town. 
My car is being fixed! Even though a honda civic is not the ideal vehicle for running a small farm its better than the car my parents want to get next (a smart car). Our getting a new car would have defiantly pushed back the day I will be able to afford the car I really want to get, a small pick up truck.  Having my little beat up car back will mean I wont have to fear getting some dirt in it. 
Today, I am gonna repaint the bee hive and figure something out about the top bars in it. Also I hope to find some work to do around town. 

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