Tuesday, April 23, 2013

First World Problems.

Today, finally, fed up with this malarkey, I took buckets and brought water from the creek. There is a creek about 100 meters from my garden. I had two five gallon buckets. I had to take three trips to get enough water. My shoulders burned and my back still aches. The radishes I planted needed wanter badly. 
Rant time. I spoke to the city two weeks ago about the water. Then, they told me last monday the 15th would be on. The water wasn't on. I called three times the the day after Tuesday the 16th. Each time the person I talked to said they would call the service department right away. Then on Thursday I was out doing silly heat training. I had hoped the water would be on then, would have helped with the heat stroke I got the day after.  When I was out doing that I stopped at the Service department. The guy there told me that they were not even the right people to talk to. But he did give me a number of someone else to talk to. I called that number the next day. The person there told me early this week the water would be on. Today Tuesday the 23rd it was still not on. I called again. The exact same woman I talked to last week told me not until the beginning of May. At this point I lost it. "I wouldn't mind if you all had just told me May One from the start. But no! You all have been telling me just a few days for two weeks. I have put seeds in the ground. I have already lost a good deal of money by putting things in the ground and not being able to water it." I think this got to her. She went to her supervisor (city workers). A few hours later I got a call from him. I explained the whole situation again. He told me they will be down there doing it first thing tomorrow. Its supposed to rain tomorrow morning. So you will forgive me if I am not convinced. Luckily I got his direct line when he called me. If its not on tomorrow I can call directly. And post the number. And tell all my friends to call. 
On the bright side, I met one of the long timers of the gardens. A guy who has been down at those gardens for more than 20 years. He told me that he was down there gardening before the gardens were even there. They used to be on the other side of the wooded area where they now are. I vaguely remember them being over there. I used to live on a near by street. My father and I would walk down there. This guy was down there before there were spigot down there. He told me that he was the one who petitioned for them to install the water spigot. Before that Everyone was hauling water up like I was today. Kinda puts it all in perspective. 

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