Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Why do this?

Why Paleo
There are copious articles, blogs, books and video out there about why Paleo is a wise dietary choice. Why I specifically am doing this is two fold. First, I have liked the idea since I first heard of it. Finally, there is a way to eat that I don't have to waste my time with things like bread or oatmeal. Once I tried Paleo for the first time, again the interweb is awash with the same story, I don't need to tell you again. My own walk with Paleo has been a rocky one. I live at home with my my parents. They eat a standard American diet, in fact i think the majority of my fathers calories come from cheese-its. Sometimes, a bowl of oatmeal is easier than a salad. However, I have to say that I have been on the wagon for at least a month now, eating a Paleo/bulletproof diet. My second reason is my girlfriend, she has several auto-immune issues or maybe just one that manifests in several ways. When she is a clean Paleo she is much, much better. I know when I eat well its easier for her to do the same. 
Why Farmer
For as far back as I can remember I have been a bit of a hippie. I used to go to an environmentalist school, in northern Wisconsin. There were a lot of young idealists up there who were all about "treading lightly on the earth" and "leaving no trace." I believe anyone who says that sort of thing is a hypocrite. I drive over 100 miles a week, I eat twice my weight in meat every year. I do believe, on the other hand, in leaving any place you come to better than you found it. If I had my own land I would like to permanently change the landscape to better fit my needs. Unfortunately, due to some constraints laid down by the Parks&Rec department here, that is impossible. Every year everything must be cleared out of the space we are given and it is "tilled." 
Why Suburban
I am a suburbanite. I currently live in my parents house. Its kind of embarrassing at this point in my life, but I am unemployed and its free. Even when I get a job, I will still need to live near my current school. But far enough from the city that I don't go insane. I like this little town, I have lived here my whole life. I think even when I can afford to buy a few acres out in the country, I will miss this place. I also want to know how sustainably one can live in such conditions. How much of my own food can I grow in a 20ftx20ft space? How much will it cost to get 350 lbs of meat at a farmers market? Will trying to do all this amount to so much time and effort that it becomes unprofitable? These are all big questions on my mind and I hope to be able to answer them over the next few months. 
Why blog
I have several reasons for blogging about this experience. One I want to be accountable to people about what I am doing. This summer when I don't water for a day or two, I will have to report that here, even if no one is reading. Also I want a written record of what is going on here. I will be able to look back and see what worked and what didn't. I have kept a garden journal in the past, but they are klunkly and unwieldy. Finally, maybe just maybe, there are other people out there in the Paleo/sustainability sphere that would be interested to hear how this might be done. I don't expect this to be an easy journey, in fact I expect it to be a bit of a blunder. but I do expect there is something to be learned. 

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