Friday, June 21, 2013

Momentum in The Garden!

In my last post I was really excited about having a job. I am again without a job. Due to some safety issues and a distinct lack of job training I could not morally continue working there. 
I have been able to find some comfort in my garden. Today, I was given a bunch of tomato plants by my father. Some were from our neighbor, they are pear cherry tomatoes. Also. he gave me a bunch of volunteer tomatoes from our garden at home. I got all of them planted over on Moe's side of the garden.  Then I began the daunting task of adding more soil to my sweet potatoes. I did every other tower, so I still have four towers to finish. I am quickly running out of soil to fill in. The compost I brought from home is almost gone. There is a pile of mulch in the gardens that has turned mostly into soil, but I don't know how using that would effect my sweet potatoes. I put some of the mulch-compost in one of the tires already. I may be forced to use some more of that mulch-compost at some point. A result of adding more dirt to some of the potatoes is I had to juggle around some of the tires to make my towers taller. I started noticing that I have a few places in the garden that I could still plant!
I think in the one corner I want to try to get an herb garden. It will be hard cause I don't have any money to buy plants, but I cant let that stop me. 
The other thing I am noticing is how FREAKING many of those seed sprout radishes I have! Last year, I grew between a 5th and a 10th of what I am growing now. Based on how fast they are growing I would not be surprised if I got two crops of this stuff this summer. I got about one and a half cups of seeds from my single crop last year. About one table spoon of seeds makes one salads worth of microgreens. That is a Theodore sized salad! Based on some quick maths that is about 480 salads. Maybe with my other open plots I should try to grow some other kinds of microgreens so I have some variety in my winter salad selection. I love it when I have good ideas when I am writing this blog. Well back the garden!

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