Monday, July 29, 2013

I love to Eat

I started a new job today. I am a pizza delivery driver. It's weird to be handing out food to people that I would never eat. But its money in my pocket. As a result I have been eating like a king today. Well I have been eating like a king since I got off work. I just polished off 8 eggs with some onion and cheese. If all goes to plan I will be back in the 3000 calorie club very soon. I read an artical a few months ago about the upper limits of protein consumption. The author mentioned that he had recently been eating 250 grams or more per day. He claimed that the result of this was that he didn't get sore after workouts. I don't know if that is a fesible number to aim for, but I like doing crazy things. Also I recall a bit in "The 4-Hour Body" where Tim Ferriss mentions eating ungodly amounts of red meat to up the sex drive.
I think it will take me a while to get my digestive system up to speed. I just put my numbers for today into "myfitnesspal" and I eat almost 1300 calories today. That was because I didn't really eat anything solid untill almost 4 o'clock. I also don't yet have some of the things I will need to make this jump to an excess of 250g of protein. I will need 100% whey protein powder and lots of meat. 
Tomorrow I am doing another day at the temp agency setting up for an event this weekend. That means eating on any kind of schedule will be thrown off. However, wednesday I will go to the local farmers market and get a bunch of meat. Soon enough you will hear about me cooking some heart and liver. Also, me eating tons and tons of food. I keep telling my self not to get excited. But I love to eat. 

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